Saturday, April 16, 2016

Appriasals - How to leverage them

I read thoughts on appraisal recently.

Appraisal is assessment mostly from external world. It can be just from your boss or it can be his compulsion from his boss’ thoughts. Mostly 90% are unhappy about the assessment. While communicating I put caveat that person should understand this is external judgment for his performance/capability for certain period of time and may not be 100% representative of correct state of individual.  For me, I kind of discount it and search for feedback through the discussion.

Feedback is mostly important. Unfortunately it is looking back in past. They say STAR model of feedback is good. If it is used it will help the person who is receiving the gift (feedback). They also talk about Feed-forward.  I think this is important.

Obviously rule we assume that intentions are good while both rating & feedback. If the relationship needs improvement, there may be question on this aspect of the whole process. Trust is important parameter, is a foundation. If foundation is weak all other things – goal setting, feedback, ratings, opportunities etc comes under question.

One has to power his/her Career. Career is much more than rating OR feedback for a span of time. Are you really working on Powering your Career?

Finally powering you life is most important thing for your life, are you active in this area? Refer to few thoughts I had on powering your life here..

Sunday, April 12, 2015

Theory of Karma - Book by Hirabhai Thakkar Review

Today I had a very good read “ Theory of Karma” .Marathi version for this book is called “Karmacha Siddhanta”.  I had assignment from Kanchan to study chapter 11~21 of Marathi book & explain her my learnings.  Here are my thoughts! I will start with Summary of the book & then detail thoughts on my assignment

Guruji ( author Haribhai Thakkar) talks about “Law of Karma” (chapter 1~5) first & then dwells on types of Karma ( chapter 6~9). From chapter 10 to 20 are his thoughts on “Prarabdha” & “Purushartha” & remaining portion of the text focuses on “Mokshaprapti” (liberation). Karmayoga, Bhaktiyoga & Dnyanyoga are the three ways towards eliminating Karmabandhana & get Moksha.

Law of Karma:
  • जैसी करणी वैसी भरणी. (you will reap what you will sow)
  • कराल ते भराल.
  • Every action has reaction.
  • भगवान के घर दर है अंधेर नही ( Though delayed you will have justice )
  • You have to bear the fruits of your deeds
  • You have right on Action not on Result! (कर्मण्येवाधिकारस्ते मा फलेषु कदाचन।)
All these sentences state Law of Karma.  This law is eternal, all pervading law. You cannot run away from the law, even if you do not understand it.

Explaining Law of Karma in details:
But Sometimes we feel doubt on this law, as
  • Many time we see evil winning
  • Good getting defeated, lashed, not succeeding
  • Sometimes, quick responses like getting burn if playing with fire.

So how to solve these inconsistencies?
Here Guruji explains 3 terms, which will help solving these riddle.
  • Kriyaman Karma (क्रियमाण कर्म ) – Which we are doing now.
  • Sanchit Karma (संचित कर्म) – Deed of past of which fruits are yet to be experienced.
  • Prarabdha (प्रारब्ध) – fruits of Sanchit karma now fructifying. Prarabdha Karma are the part of sanchita karma, a collection of past karmas, which are ready to be experienced through the present body (incarnation).

Our today's situation is summation of part of kriyaman Karma+ Prarabdha. Part of Kriyaman, which is not fructified instantly, gets added to Sanchit karma as shown in the chart below

This shows if Prarabdha of today’s sinner is good, he will still enjoy good state. Otherwise a gentleman doing all good things in life, if his earlier sins are fructifying now will be in difficult situation. Riddle solved.
For better tomorrow, you need better Sanchit, so better Kriyaman is required. There are three guna’s (गुण) which we exhibit while doing Kriyamana Karma: Satwik, Rajasik & Tamasik (सात्विक राजसिक आणि तामसिक). Good tomorrow is ensured with Satwik Guna. As we had many birth cycles, many times the force of Sanchit is high, which we sometimes call as destiny.

Now let’s understand What Purushartha Means
The purpose of Kriyaman Karma is called Purushartha. 'Artha' means aim or goal of human life. The concept of Purushartha basically indicates different values to be realized in human life through human efforts. There are four Purusharthas or aims of life as propounded by Manu, viz., Dharma (धर्म -virtue), Artha (अर्थ- wealth), Kama (काम- pleasure), and Moksha (मोक्ष- liberation).
Sage Vyas says - उर्ध्वबहुविरोम्यैष: धर्मादार्थाश्च कामश्च – I am raising my hands and telling, please listen Kama and Artha is only because of Dharma, follow Dharma.
Please note that our current situation is dependent on Both – purrushartha & prarabdha. So effort is required in life. Truth is you cannot even breathe without effort or karma.  One more point guruji makes is experience your Prarabhdha and walk towards your liberation in this birth. Then the question comes: if all the sanchit is not going to be finished by experiencing the fruits of it, will we get moksha in this birth?  Answer is yes explained in reminder of the book.
उत्तिष्ठत जाग्रत प्राप्य वरान्निबोधत, क्षुरासन्न धारा निशिता दुरत्यद्दुर्गम पथ: तत् कवयो वदन्ति 
(Arise! Awake! Approach the great and learn.Like the sharp edge of a razor is that path, so the wise say−hard to tread and difficult to cross.)
Sanjay's thoughts in Marathi on this audio file for listening around 8 minutes in Marathi.

Friday, March 27, 2015

Powering Your Career & Life

What I am going to say has potential to impact your life big way.

These are very simple but powerful ideas: Why I am saying this? Most Important thing in life is not always visible to us. We have lost sight of it. Let me ask you big thing which is related to Birth? With every birth one thing related is Death. How many of us remember it? If one remembers death, how much difference it will bring to your Life! With this preamble let me start to share thoughts about Powering Your Career & Life!

 Be Proactive - own your life, be responsible and not have victim attitude.
What is the purpose of Life? Let's talk about it; any volunteers?? Unless you understand purpose of your life, how do you know you are on right Path? It is very simple isn't it? Do you really think you know the purpose?  I have my answers & every answer will be very personal. I think Indian Mythology gave standard answer for it, you can read scriptures if you need to know it. Stephen Covey says this “Begin with end in mind" 2nd Habit of effective people.

Where are you investing your resources? Your resources are you, your time, your mind, your energy.   Are those in right place? Again what they say is that resources to be put where strategy is. We need to be focused. Are we really focused?
What I just said to you will find vivid description of it in a HBR article “How to measure your life". There is HBR series available for managing yourself. Let's learn to manage ourselves better.

Values dictate behavior like goals also dictate. One is Path & other is end. Both are important. Having Right values & goals aligned with purpose of your life is key. You should focus your resources here.  This is surely going to power your career as well will power your life.

Now I will talk about "Sharpening the Saw": You folks are all stars today! You are the chosen few! How will it be remaining for long time. You will have to sharpen the saw every day. You need to be nimble, agile, fast, fierce, on dot.... etc.. Unless you sharpen the saw it will not happen. All dimensions of life that matters you need to sharpen.  That is why it is very important to understand your purpose, then priorities & then sharpen your saw accordingly.

This is all what I have today to share! Be proactive, know purpose of your life, direct your resources towards it & finally try to be current & worthy towards Powering your career & life!

Thursday, March 12, 2015

Is Might right OR Right is Might

This is what I wrote with Aarti, my daughter today !
चंद्रमे जे अलांछन   । मार्तण्ड जे तापहीन ।ते सर्वाही सदा सज्जन । सोयरे होतु॥ 
Since ancient time, there is debate: is might Right?  Or really Right is might? Might – which denotes power, strength, authority is seen many a times right and so people argue for might. Also we have seen many taking side of “Right” which denotes: wisdom, ethical, accurate, proper, just, truthfulness. I obviously am on the side of Right, which is really right thing to do! Or Thing to be!

Might is also right as it helps you to save yourself against injustice.  India as a country needs strength to protect it’s citizens for bad forces. Only wisdom will not save the people & the country. There is a story in Mahabharata about a rabbit going to Lord Bramha and asking him why he did not give rabbit any organ to defend ? Lord Bramha replied to him “Run away before I eat you”. What does this mean? Weak people have nowhere to go. So some say that might is Right!
Currently in Iraq ISIS is doing lot many bad things, burning people alive, chopping their heads...  This is not getting stopped due to lack of strength of the people. They have to endure the injustice. For administration of justice might is required, power is required. For converting Right into reality we need might.

Though the above arguments are really good; there is saying  “Power corrupts!” ISIS has got lot of power! There are many examples in history which shows a good person getting converted to devilish person because of uncontrolled power or might. Do you remember any character you have faced who has become corrupt with Power? .

Might is temporary, Right is permanent!  Truth always wins! Powerful people lose their power with time and right remains unchanged.  Wisdom prevails! Ethics will win in long term! Truthfulness and justness is virtue! Be virtuous and be on the side of “Right” & God will help you!

Our Founding fathers, the writers of Indian constitution understood this. They had very good solution. Indian democracy is run by three independent legs: The Legislature; the Executive and the Judiciary. These three legs have powers which restrain each other’s power to have “Right” prevail.

This shows clearly that though Might may be right in selective situations, Right is the obvious winner. Power will corrupt in long term so choose Right to endure and prosper in long term. Choose permanent over temporary. Long Live the Right & may it be helped by Mighty always!

Sunday, November 28, 2010

Riddle about Goal for your Life

I have been speaking with a friend today about Life. Some thoughts were
1.     “Enjoy Life”. I said to him that this is like a small tweet, but needs more text & understanding to go into blog.  What are your thoughts?
2.     Are we doing too many unimportant things in life? Are we getting driven? My definition of driven was “What I really should be doing if not doing it, I am getting driven.. If I am not focusing on the right goal for life then I am getting driven by/at other things.  When we say “work-Life Balance”  issue sometimes you become so engrossed in your work, you forget  that its you are losing focus on your Goal. In view of reaching the Goal Path also matters OR only the Path matters.
3.     One more thing I understnad from this dilogue: as a generation we did our job to Create new one.. now we are talking about Nurturing them.. We are talking about our Duties..Also need to find pleasure in that.. About future.. It is uncertain.. I have belief that everything will happen good.. and it will happen like that.. Yes.. We need to really be friend with our next gen.. & then get the respect that they listen to us.
There are many open questions & everyone will have unique answer to the riddle. “Lessons Learnt” are part of life & they say those are teachers.  Let’s continue the learning..

Saturday, October 30, 2010

Happy Diwali

Some major events happen rhythmically in our life or life of society. Diwali is one of those in India. With a tradition of so many years it has become a culture.. the celebration is joy.. the culture of joy.
We should use these events / these trends & ride on the wave of such feeling across the society to create more positive energy & renew the old connections; start new & reinforce existing ones.
With these thoughts, as the Festival of lights is approaching, I wish you & your family very happy Diwali.
May this Diwali bring you joy, health and wealth.
May the Diwali brighten up your lives.
May this Diwali bring in you the happiness and love you have ever wished for.
May this Diwali show us all the path towards “Powering our Life”.

Friday, October 22, 2010

Learning Continues

In the Vijayadashami vacation, this is what I did:
SNA (social Network Analysis) & ONA (Organizational network analysis) were very fascinating read. There is is Formal organization structure in Organizations & there is a "real" organization structure based on informal networks. Studying that will give organizations & it's leaders better understanding of what needs to be done in future for Powering the Growth. Different perspectives get created once we understand new knowledge.